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The bass, Christoph Heinrich, born in 1985, had his first vocal training by Marianne Kaiser in Dessau, after which he furthered his vocal training in 2005 at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Leipzig with Prof. Roland Schubert, where in February, 2012 he completed his studies with honours. Christoph Heinrich continued his education until 2015 with master classes at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig and achieved the highest academic degree. He also complimented his education by taking additional master classes by Peter Berne, Prof. Rudolf Pirney, Ileana Cotrubas, und Franz Grundheber to name a few.

He gathered early experience singing some important bass and bass-baritone rolls during his studies, amongst them, Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro) in a childrens production in Leipzig and Colline (La Boheme) in Dresden. Christoph gathered opera festival experience in the unique Bad Hersfeld Opera Festival as Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Herr Reich (Die Lustige Weiber von Windsor) und Dottore Grenvil (La Traviata).

In 2010, he was a prizewinner in the International Vocal Competition Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg where he sang Massetto (Don Giovanni). In the same year he gave his debut as Hidulfus/Drago in Schumanns "Genoveva" in the Tonhalle Düsseldorf. In 2011 he was honoured with the Richard Wagner Stipendium. He was a member of the International Opera Studio in Theater Bremen in the season 2011/2012, then was taken over as an ensemble member the following season. Since then, he has sung many large rolls in his repertory; Rocco (Fidelio), Sarastro/Papageno (Zauberflöte), Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro), Osmin (Abduction of the Serail), Leporello ( Don Giovanni), Forester (Cunning little Vixen), Raimondo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Oroveso (Norma), Don Alfonso ( Cosi fan tutte), Landgraf Hermann (Tannhäuser),Vodnik (Rusalka), Colline ( La Boheme), Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Nick Shadow (Rake's Progress), Basilio (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Father Peter (Hänsel und Gretel) and Doktor (Wozzeck). In the Season 2022/23 Christoph will be singing Seneca(Poppea).

Christoph Heinrich has worked with many renowned stage directors and conductors Tatjana Gürbaca, Sebastian Baumgarten, Yoel Gamzou, Marko Letonja, Markus Poschber Paul-Georg Dittrich, Armin Petras, Laurent Chetouane, Lydia Steier, Benedikt von Peter, Vera Nemirova.

Apart from the opera repetoire, the young bass devotes time in the interpretation of the international Lied culture. He has worked with Ulrich Eisenlohr, Graham Johnson and Phillip Moll. At the same time, Christoph Heinrich is interested and open to new aspects in the interpretation of the music literature. He has sung and staged several large cycles such as Franz Schuberts Winterreise and Dimitri Schostakowitsch's Michelangelo Suite as well as Pop and Rock Songs with great success.